July Birthstone Red Ruby Emerald Eternity Band Ring


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  • Our Price $69.00
  • The Industry Retail $139.00
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So your birthday is in July, and you don't know what to get yourself. Hmm, well, here is an idea. Our July Birthstone Red Ruby Emerald Eternity Band Ring is a popular gift for oneself or a loved one. It features approximately 15 lab-mined red ruby emerald-cut stones measuring 6mm each and the finest .925 premium Sterling Silver. A gift that'll have you glad you purchased. 

  • Authenticity Guaranteed 
  • One Year Warranty
  • Ethically Sourced
  • 3% Donated to your Charity
  • Smiles Promised
The July Birthstone Red Ruby Emerald Eternity Band Ring is evocative, to say the least, but that's why you're drawn to it in the first place.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025